Entrepreneurs… Is Your Employee Mindset Holding You Back?

Entrepreneurs… Is Your Employee Mindset Holding You Back?

    I have a question today for anyone that’s an entrepreneur. Is your employee mindset holding you back? You might be wondering what started my trek down that rabbit hole. The truth of the matter is that when I started getting serious about my 2020...

Did You Nail Your 1st Quarter Goals?

  We’ve reached the end of the 1st quarter of 2015, and it’s time for a checkup.  How did you do?   Did you nail your 1st quarter goals?   I’ll bet those 12 weeks seem to have just flown by, and it will be the same for the next 12 weeks.  I need to ask you this;...

Is There A “Perfect” Direct Mail Piece?

  There is always an ongoing discussion about what type of direct mail piece works best for real estate investors. And what about the “perfect mail piece”? Is there such a thing? The truth is that we all have our favorites. But there is one thing I...

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