How to Take the Stress out of Talking to an Angry Seller

How to Take the Stress out of Talking to an Angry Seller

  How to Take the Stress out of Talking to an Angry Seller – Best of the Best Show Learning how to take the stress out of talking to an angry seller can be hard for some investors. In fact, I would say it is hard for most people. It's bound to happen at...
What is an Absentee Owner and How Do You Work with Them?

What is an Absentee Owner and How Do You Work with Them?

  Absentee owners are a group of off-market sellers that can be a great source of leads. So, how does someone become an absentee owner? There are generally two ways; by choice or by circumstances. Today we’ll go over what an absentee owner is and how to work with...
Finding “Your Tribe” (and Why You Need One)

Finding “Your Tribe” (and Why You Need One)

  Today I want to talk about finding your tribe, and why that is so important.  First of all, what exactly is your tribe?  It’s a group of people or a community that has the same interests as you.  The members of your tribe “get you”.  They will cheer you on when...

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