


Carbon Monoxide PoisoningIt happens every year. There is another needless death from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Do you know what the signs and symptoms are of this silent killer?

Information for all real estate investors

If you are a landlord or if you are rehabbing a house to resell, the safety of the people that will eventually live in the house is always a major concern. That is why it is so important to be certain that your furnace and other gas fired appliances operate correctly. If these items are not working property they may put out carbon monoxide. This can be deadly to the inhabitants of the house.

You should have furnaces and other gas fired appliances inspected annually to be sure they are operating correctly and safely. You should also have a working carbon monoxide detector in each of these properties.


What is carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas produced during incomplete combustion of fuels.  It can escape from any fuel burning appliance, furnace, water heater and fireplace used in the home.


What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?

Low levels of carbon monoxide poisoning are often mistaken for common flu symptoms.  These symptoms may include mild headache, nausea and dizziness.  High levels of carbon monoxide may result in serious illness or death.


Spend a few dollars to save a life

To enhance the safety of the inhabitants of the home, you should install a carbon monoxide detector in the areas around any gas fired appliances.  The detector sounds an alert when carbon monoxide is detected.  They only cost a few dollars to install and every home should have them for safety reasons.

Real estate investors will almost certainly be held to a higher standard in a court of law if a death occurs in one of your properties. Don’t take this chance just to save a few dollars. It could cost you your business! Install carbon monoxide detectors in all of your investment properties before the first of the year.


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