The Power of Collaboration: Accountability Partners Today I want to talk about the power of collaboration, and how it will help you grow your real estate investing business faster than trying to go it alone. I've had 3 people just in the past week ask me about...
6 Strategies for Closing Off-Market Deals – Where Do You Get the Money? Today we're going to talk about 6 strategies for closing off-market deals. So, where exactly do you get the money if you don't have cash in your bank account? I’ve spent the last...
Getting Started in Real Estate Investing with Farrah Ali Getting started in real estate investing can be tough at times. If you're feeling a little stuck; if you’re not moving forward at the pace that you would like to; then this show is for you. Listen in...
Mitch Stephen – Tips for Hiring an Acquisition Manager, Seller Financing and More – The Best of the Best Shows Are you at that point in your business where you know you need help? Hiring an acquisition manager just might be at the top of that list. ...
3 Types of Money: 0ne Time Money, Temporary Money, and Forever Money – The Best of the Best Shows There are many ways to make money in real estate.  My guest is Mitch Stephen the topic today is money. Specifically, we are going to talk about 3 types of...
Overcoming Procrastination – The Silent Killer of Your Business – The Best of the Best Show Overcoming procrastination is vital to the success of your business. So much so that when procrastination becomes habitual, it often becomes the...