The Trouble with Bandit Signs – Makeover Monday Episode #10

  You are probably wondering why this “Makeover Monday” happens to be coming to you on Tuesday.  Well after several days of constant technical issues and no internet, I think the problems are finally resolved. Even though today just happens to be Tuesday, I’m...

Absentee Owners – Makeover Monday

In today’s video I want to talk about absentee owners. I love working with absentee owners. In fact it is one of my favorite niches because over time many of these folks will become very motivated to sell their property at a deep discount.  It will just get to be too...

5 Reasons to Love Probate Investing – Makeover Monday Episode #7

  There are a lot of reasons to love probate investing. This is one of the niches that I like to say has the “low hanging fruit”. What do I mean by that?  These are folks that are almost always motivated to sell the property; they just don't want it. They only...

Real Estate Niches – Makeover Monday Episode #6

  Real estate investing is a broad topic. So when we talk about “niches”what exactly are real estate niches and why should you choose to work in a particular niche? Working in specific real estate niches allows you to narrow your focus and better...

Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing – Makeover Monday Episode #5

    The strategy known as Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing has been considered the path to long term wealth for decades. It is what I like to call the “Get rich slowly real estate investing strategy”.  It provides you with monthly passive...

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