

Lolita Sheriow - Sharon VornholtMy guest for today's podcast is Texas real estate investor Lolita Sheriow “aka”Lo”.  Lo has written a new book called “21 Steps on How to Take Action and Get Results in Real Estate”, and that is what we are diving into today.

She wrote this book for folks to use as a handbook to create success in their real estate business. It's tough a lot of times for investors to know what the “next step” is, and what so often happens is they do nothing.  If you follow Lo's formula, it will help you take consistent action and move past those roadblocks.

Another thing she talks about is what to do when you need a “mindset adjustment”.  I can tell you from experience, this is one of the major stumbling blocks investors have no matter how many years they have been in the business.


Show Notes

Here are a few of the things we covered in this podcast 

  • We will learn what compelled Lolita to write this particular book
  • Why this book is for every entrepreneur
  • What the goal is of this book for the reader
  • Why Lo is qualified to write this book
  • What exactly is the “Take Action Formula”?
  • Why having a clear vision then actually writing down your goals is so important
  • The 4 most critical steps for your business
  • Moving past paralysis by analysis


You Can Listen to the Podcast Here

[podcast title=”21 Steps on How to Take Action – Lolita Sheriow”]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/LolitaSheriowLetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge25.mp3[/podcast]


You Can Also Listen and Download from iTunes By Clicking Here


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Get a Copy of Lo's Book

If you would like a copy of Lo's book, you can get it by Clicking Here…. She also has some bonuses you can get when you purchase the book.


About Lolita

, 21 Steps on How to Take Action and Get Results in Real EstateLolita Sheriow “aka” Lo is a real estate investor, motivational speaker, mentor and author of the book 21 Steps on How to Take Action and Get Results in Real Estate. Lolita wrote the book for real estate investors and professionals to use as a handbook to help them create success in their real estate business by applying the principles of action taking and generating the results that they are looking for.



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