
real estate investing podcast

Today's show is part 3. in this series on probate investing, and the topic today is marketing to probates.

In part 1. we did an overview of probate investing.  In part 2. we talked about the terminology of probate.

When it comes to marketing, it's important to understand the process, the best direct mail piece to use and the length of time you need to mail to these folks.

At the end of the day, these sellers have one thing in common with all sellers; they have a problem to solve. In this case they have inherited a property that they almost certainly don't want.In addition to that, many of these properties need a lot of work before they could ever be listed on the MLS.  These sellers simply don't want to sink their time or their money into these inherited properties.

Show Notes

  • Marketing to probates
  • Why probate investing is such a profitable niche
  • Where do you get the leads
  • Why you have so much less competition in this niche
  • What type of house are you looking for
  • Why a house that needs a lot of work should get you excited
  • Why direct mail is your best way to market to these sellers
  • Tips for getting the leads and where you find them
  • The only 4 pieces of information you need
  • Whether you should buy leads
  • Take charge of your mindset
  • What you can expect to find when you look at these properties?
  • Inherited list

Coming next: How can someone avoid probate?


You Can Listen to the Podcast Here – Marketing to Probates


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