
safety tips for real estate investors

Safety Tips for Real Estate Investors – The Best of the Best Show

Today I have some safety tips for real estate investors that should be used anytime you're looking at property. These same tips can also be used by real estate agents.

It's pretty easy for real estate investors to get complacent when it comes to safety. I think this is especially true for female investors. After all, our natural instinct is to trust people. In the normal course of doing business, investors look at property in a lot of unfamiliar areas. That's what we do in this business. So how DO you stay safe?

If you follow the safety tips for real estate investors (and agents) I have laid out In today's show, this will provide a good routine and a good foundation for staying safe. These are some simple commonsense steps that you should incorporate into your routine each time you look at a property.


Are Investors at More Risk than Agents?

I think they can be. Realtors have an edge over investors for a couple of reasons when it comes to safety.  In most cases, agents have an office they can use when meeting people. Furthermore, there are often other people in the office when they are meeting with potential clients. This is a much safer environment in general.

When it comes to investors, they are generally in a much different position. Some investors have offices, however many (if not most) work from home. This means they are often meeting the buyer or seller for the very first time at the property and they are alone.  These safety tips are commonsense things that we simply don't think about. As I said, they work for both agents and investors.



“It's pretty easy for real estate investors to get complacent when it comes to safety. I think this is especially true for female investors”.


Bonus Tip

If you are a woman in this business, I have some safety tips just for you!

Do you have anything to add?  What are your best safety tips?


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This blog which was originally published in 2018 has been updated.




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