
Tenant Response, “But My Pit Bull Is My Service Animal”

  I have written several articles about whether or not to allow pets in your rental property. It’s an age old discussion, and as you probably remember there are clearly two schools of thought on the subject. Some folks just say “NO”. They just don't...

Should You Allow Pets In Your Rental Property

    This has been a subject that has been debated for as long as I can remember; whether or not to allow your tenants to have pets. What I have always found, is that it really doesn’t matter what your policy is. They are probably going to bring them whether or...

Allowing Pets in Your Rental Property

My friend Terry Sprouse over at “FixemUpRentemOut”, recently asked me how I felt about allowing pets in rental property.  This is a question that plagues just about every landlord I know.  For years I had very mixed feelings about whether or not to allow pets in my...

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