Feeling invisible in your marketplace? Hey, I've been there. Today’s show is on that awful feeling we get in our businesses. We’re working hard, but we feel like we’re spinning our wheels. And what’s even worse, when it comes to standing out in our...
How do you avoid burnout? That’s the million dollar question. We all know that we need to have goals, but how do you avoid burnout? https://louisvillegalsrealestateblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/12-Week-Year_vidlZ4X23.mp4 Most of the time it seems like...
~ About Sharon
Hello from Louisville, KY, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love this business, and I am passionate about helping other people become successful real estate investors.
Come along with me on my journey as I create a business and a lifestyle that I love.