Finding “Your Tribe” (and Why You Need One)

Finding “Your Tribe” (and Why You Need One)

  Today I want to talk about finding your tribe, and why that is so important.  First of all, what exactly is your tribe?  It’s a group of people or a community that has the same interests as you.  The members of your tribe “get you”.  They will cheer you on when...

Create Massive Results with The “Compound Effect”

  I read a great book a while back called the “Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy.  As you know he is the editor of Success Magazine.  Recently I decided to read it again. << —- You can get the book by clicking on the image. This is the time of the year...

Harnessing the Power of “Big Mo”; How Do You Get It?

    You can’t see it or feel it; but everyone is always waiting for it. And when it finally shows up, you know immediately that it has arrived. It can catapult your business to success.  What is it?   Momentum or “Big Mo” You know how this goes. Every...

Creating Enduring Success

  When you are first starting out in your brand new business venture, your thoughts are probably more on just surviving this start up phase than creating enduring success. There is just so much to do. But there are some things that you can do while you are building...

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