
Is There A “Perfect” Direct Mail Piece?

  There is always an ongoing discussion about what type of direct mail piece works best for real estate investors. And what about the “perfect mail piece”? Is there such a thing? The truth is that we all have our favorites. But there is one thing I...

Why Is There So Much Confusion Over Direct Mail Marketing?

  I have written a number of articles about direct mail marketing and the fact that it is my number one source of leads for my business. But it seems that no matter how many articles I write about the importance of setting up ongoing direct mail campaigns, there...

Is There A “Magic Pill” for Marketing Success?

  I talk to a lot of folks about marketing their real estate business every week, and on just about every forum you visit marketing is always a hot topic.  Most real estate investors intellectually understand that you have to do marketing to get those leads in...

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