
Staging Your Flip for a Faster Sale

  I have a guest post for you today from my friend Kelly Payne on staging your flip for a faster sale. Kelly and her husband Aaron are real estate investors in Tulsa, OK. You may remember that Kelly was featured in my series “Successful Women In Real Estate...

Danny Johnson- Flipping Houses for Big Profits – Podcast Episode #12

  My guest today on my podcast “Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing” is Danny Johnson of Flipping Junkie. The topic is flipping houses for big profits. Today's topic is on  Danny is someone that has built a very successful business flipping houses in San Antonio,...

So You Want to Fix and Flip Houses?

  This is a guest post by fellow real estate investor and blogger Danny Johnson. As usual, he has done a knockout job of nailing this topic of “fix and flip”.    There is something very rewarding about taking a dilapidated hunk of crap house and...

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