
25 Ways to Generate Motivated Seller Leads

  How would you like 25 ways to generate motivated seller leads?  Today I have a printable list of those 25 ways for you. Most of you know that in order to have a real estate business that consistently provides you with a steady stream of leads, you need to get...

Become A Master at Wholesaling and Marketing; Podcast

  I get questions about wholesaling and marketing typically several times each day. Where wholesaling is concerned, it is really hard for real estate investors that are just starting out to wrap their brain around the idea of making cash offers to motivated...

Real Estate Investing Marketing in 2013 – What Is Working Now

    I have a guest post today from my friend and fellow real estate investor, Brian Haskins. Brian has put together some great information about finding deals and “What's working now in 2013”. Put some of these strategies to work and watch your...

Tips For Building A Wholesaling Business – Podcast

  One of the best strategies you can use in your real estate investing business for generating big chunks of cash is through wholesaling.But for so many folks, it can be extremely hard to wrap your brain around this strategy. I know because I was one of those...

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