
Mistakes and Lessons Learned; The School of Hard Knocks

    I did a post recently for another site that was actually a case study of “How to really screw up on your first deal and come out OK in the end”. I was acquainted with this couple, but didn’t really know them that well. They were brand new and had...

5 Traits Needed For Success

    I have been a big fan of Maren Kate and her “Escaping the 9 to 5” blog ever since I first discovered it a couple of years ago.  She is a young entrepreneur that is an inspiration to everyone that is lucky enough to find her. She wrote a very insightful...

An Update to “Lessons Learned From My Last Wholesale Deal”.

A few weeks ago I posted a story called “Lessons Learned From My Last Wholesale Deal”. This article was about a closing that I had recently on a house where there was a lot of junk and personal items at the property. And I do mean a lot.  The seller promised to have...

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