The basic concepts of putting a real estate together are really simple, but they aren’t always easy. There are a lot of “pieces” that have to fit together properly. But in its simplest form, there are only 4 steps in real estate investing to a fat check. ...
I have a book review for you today that is bound to get you thinking. Most people think of their personal home and their rental property as two entirely different animals; rarely do they ever come up in the same sentence. Our personal home is just that;...
Terry Sprouse who is the author of two books, “Fix em Up Rent em Out” and “Carve out Your Niche”, has written a very provocative guest post for me today. The conventional wisdom has always been to get your rental houses paid off a quickly as you can. But Terry...
~ About Sharon
Hello from Louisville, KY, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love this business, and I am passionate about helping other people become successful real estate investors.
Come along with me on my journey as I create a business and a lifestyle that I love.