How to Increase Your Direct Mail Results by 400% or More with Justin Silverio – The Best of the Best Show If you're using direct mail in your business now, you're going to love this show today. My guest is Justin Silverio from Open Letter Marketing. Today...
My guest today is a California investor, Gary Boomershine. We’re going to dive into using direct mail and targeted follow up to generate consistent motivated seller leads. Gary’s company has sent out over 42 million direct mail pieces so he might know a...
Today I have 5 tips for using ringless voicemail for probate marketing. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve generally been against cold calling people that have a house in probate. The exception to that rule would be that it’s OK...
~ About Sharon
Hello from Louisville, KY, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love this business, and I am passionate about helping other people become successful real estate investors.
Come along with me on my journey as I create a business and a lifestyle that I love.