If you intend to be a successful real estate investor, it's absolutely necessary for you to have some type of CRM or database. Just about everyone starts out without any system for keeping track of their leads and that might work for a while. But over time...
My guest for today’s show is Scott Costello from the Struggling Investor. Scott is a part-time wholesaler, he has a full time job, and he and his wife added an adorable son to their family a couple of years ago. This guy is spread pretty thin but he still...
I have a great FREE resource for you that I am excited to tell you about today called SI Lead Manager. Seasoned real estate investors know the importance of having good contact manager software for their business. But If you are just getting started, you may not...
~ About Sharon
Hello from Louisville, KY, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love this business, and I am passionate about helping other people become successful real estate investors.
Come along with me on my journey as I create a business and a lifestyle that I love.