Some investors have trouble understanding double closings or “simultaneous closings” as they are also called especially when they are brand new. It's really important to have a clear understanding of how double closings work, because it allows you...
In part one I discussed exactly what a double closing (simultaneous closing) was and how it all works. Today I want to go over some of the other points such as are there any negatives to doing a double closing and using traditional lenders to fund the closing. If...
There is so much confusion especially for new investors when it comes to doing a double closing. While this subject appears to be complex to some folks, it is really quite straight forward in how it is done. Since this is a lengthy topic, I am going to break...
~ About Sharon
Hello from Louisville, KY, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love this business, and I am passionate about helping other people become successful real estate investors.
Come along with me on my journey as I create a business and a lifestyle that I love.