
Tips for Getting Started

    I have been investing in real estate since 1998 and I still get excited about this business. That is both good and bad especially when you are just starting out. It can be so tempting to jump into the arena in a big way; to let your enthusiasm get the best of...

Mistakes and Lessons Learned; The School of Hard Knocks

    I did a post recently for another site that was actually a case study of “How to really screw up on your first deal and come out OK in the end”. I was acquainted with this couple, but didn’t really know them that well. They were brand new and had...

Growing Your Real Estate Investing Business

    Growing your real estate investing business is certainly about doing the work that it takes. But it is also about being crystal clear about where you want to go. You won’t get there no matter how much work you put in, if you don’t have a clear vision of...

Can a House Ever Be So Ugly It Won’t Sell?

  I have always believed that there is a buyer for every house; that there was no such thing as a house that was too ugly to sell if it was priced right and enough people knew it was for sale. Well folks, I’ve changed my mind about that! I put a house under contract...

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