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Getting Started in Real Estate Investing

Getting Started in Real Estate Investing?

Getting started in real estate is hard. It can be tough to know exactly where to start when you are a brand new real estate investor.

Do you feel like you are missing pieces of the puzzle? It can really be confusing!

The amount of information available is overwhelming and there are so many different strategies. Which one should I choose?  What should I do first? This section was created just for you!


Investing Strategies – How Do You Decide?

One of the most common questions I hear is, “how can I get started if I don't have a lot of money?”

The answer to that question is by wholesaling houses. Wholesaling houses can be difficult to understand when you are just getting started, but it’s a strategy where there is little risk, you don’t need a lot of cash and your credit (good or bad) doesn’t matter. You will find a lot of information on wholesaling houses here.

If you want to build long term wealth, then you will want to buy and hold rental property; most likely, single family homes. I have provided a lot of information on choosing a strategy as well as the different strategies themselves in the getting started category. My advice to you is to choose a strategy that excites you. And don’t be afraid to change course along the way!


Finding Success

There is one thing that I know for sure, and that is all successful real estate investors are life long learners. They read books, attend seminars and listen to webinars often when other folks are watching TV. You see, success is a choice and it takes commitment; commitment to do what needs to be done even when you would rather be doing something else.

I have a favorite quote taped to my computer monitor and it goes something like this:

If you're willing to do what most people won't do for a few years, you can have what most people won't have for the rest of your life.” 

I think this quote pretty much sums up what most successful people have chosen to do. Make no mistake, it's a choice and it may not be the easiest or most convenient.

Spend some time checking out our “Getting Started” category. It's there specifically for the new real estate investor. Among the topics you will find are:

  • The #1 Newbie Mistake
  • Making Offers
  • How to Choose the Right Investing Strategy (a video and an article)
  • Setting Up Your Property Files
  • Tips for Buying Single Family Homes
  • Insider Tips for Buying Investment Property

These are just a few of the articles you will find in our getting started category. I have provided a direct link to those articles below. If there's something you would like to see in this section, just let me know in the comments section.

Be sure to take a look at the resources I have for you below. I can promise you that you can shave years off your learning curve with the right resources at your disposal.


Resources Just For You

  • OnCarrot Websites  Having an online presence is no longer optional.  If you want to be considered a real business, you need a website.  It gives you credibility.  It makes people trust you. It also is a great lead generation too. Oncarrot Websites are among the best on the market, and they are the ones I use in my business.  They work well and they are affordable too.  You can check out one of my sites by clicking here. 
  • Cash Buyer Ninja. If you have gotten that first deal under contract, this resource can save you a lot of headaches (not to mention stress). Cash Buyer Ninja is one of the best resources I have come across for quickly learning how to build a cash buyer's list. I love this program.




Disclosure: I have used all of these programs myself and I highly recommend them.  Because I love them so much, I am an affiliate for all of them. Your results may be different from mine.

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