Creating Absentee Owner Letters That Get a Great Response

Creating Absentee Owner Letters That Get a Great Response

  Creating Absentee Owner Letters That Get A Great Response I have talked about direct mail for a long time now. One thing that is so important to understand about direct mail is that you have to set up campaigns to be successful with this strategy. Creating...
The Benefits of Using Postcards for Marketing to Absentee Owners

The Benefits of Using Postcards for Marketing to Absentee Owners

  The Benefits of Using Postcards for Marketing to Absentee Owners One of my most-read posts on the blog is called, “Creating Absentee Owner Letters that Get a Great Response”, and I will put a link to that blog post in the show notes.  Both letters and postcards...
Marketing to Absentee Owners after Covid-19

Marketing to Absentee Owners after Covid-19

  I am asked this question a lot.  Is marketing to absentee owners after Covid-19 still a good marketing strategy?  I have to say that I think it is and here’s why.  You’ve probably heard me say this before that “time and circumstances change all things”.  And as...
What is an Absentee Owner and How Do You Work with Them?

What is an Absentee Owner and How Do You Work with Them?

  Absentee owners are a group of off-market sellers that can be a great source of leads. So, how does someone become an absentee owner? There are generally two ways; by choice or by circumstances. Today we’ll go over what an absentee owner is and how to work with...

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