Creative Financing Strategies for Savvy Real Estate Investors

Creative Financing Strategies for Savvy Real Estate Investors

    Let me ask you this; are you using any creative financing strategies in your business today? If your answer is no, what is holding you back? It’s probably because you don’t understand the different ways you can do this. Your ability to use creative...

Is a Lack of Funding Holding Your Real Estate Business Back?

I hope you are having a great week.  Once you finally have a steady stream of leads coming in the door, you think you’re set. But it’s not long before you realize you have a new problem; you don’t have access to enough cash to close this many deals. You can get by...

Mitch Stephen – The Art of Owner Financing – Podcast #68

My guest today on the show is my friend Mitch Stephen. Mitch has been on the show several times before. I'm really pumped about the topic today which is, “The Art of Owner Financing”, and we will be talking about how to do it legally. As you know, Mitch is...

7 Ways to Fund Your Deals

  The two biggest problems any real estate investor has are finding deals and funding your deals.  Today I have 7 ways to fund your deals that will give you options to close more deals. As your business grows and matures you will need larger and larger amounts of...

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