The Complete Guide to Double Closings I have put together something special for you today. It’s “The Complete Guide to Double Closings; How to Buy Property Even When you’re Broke”. Double closings are also called simultaneous closings. There is so much...
Some investors have trouble understanding double closings or “simultaneous closings” as they are also called especially when they are brand new. It's really important to have a clear understanding of how double closings work, because it allows you...
Real estate investing at its core is a pretty simple business. Someone has a house to sell, and as a real estate investor it is your business to buy houses. As you can see, it’s pretty simple on the surface isn’t it? However once you have been in this...
I am a big fan of just being able to call up one of the folks on my buyers list when I have a property to sell, and knowing that I will get it sold quickly. Yes, it's the easy way if you are lucky to have a good buyer's list, but I don't see a problem...
You never thought you would get it done but after a whole lot of “blood, sweat and tears” you are finally finished with your latest rehab. Now you’re ready to get it sold and move on to the next one. So how can you make your house stand out from the rest of the crowd?...