You know how I love stories about part-time real estate investors that make the leap from employee to full time entrepreneur. Today I have one of those success stories. My guest is Seth Williams of REtipster. Seth has been a guest on my show before. If you missed...
I have another great interview today in my “Escaping the 9 to 5 How I Did It” series with fellow real estate investor Brandon Turner. If you are one of those folks who are still trying to make your “escape” from your job so you can invest in real...
I have another great interview for you today for my “Escaping the 9 to 5; How I Did It Series”. I had the pleasure of spending some time with Jeff Kowalczuk from Columbus, Ohio yesterday. Jeff is a twenty something, full time real estate investor that...
Today's interview is with a young investor named Chris Bruce that is both smart and savvy. After spending a few years “enjoying life” he got down to business and built a success real estate wholesaling business in Tampa, Florida. Chris is a...
I have another great interview for you today in my “Escaping the 9 to 5; How I Did It” series. I recently had the pleasure of spending some time with Bill Walston from Johnson City, Tennessee. Bill is a full time real estate investor, a coach...