
The Final Steps in the Probate Process – Video 4 of 4

  The Final Steps in the Probate Process You've made it to the final steps in the probate process! Thanks so much for hanging in there with me. Today is part 4 in this 4 part mini-series on probate investing. In this show, I'm going to talk about the final steps...

Should You Call Probate Leads?

  It’s really odd how several people will ask me the same question over the period of a week or two.  This past week I had no less than half a dozen real estate investors ask me the same thing; whether you should call probate leads as your initial contact....

5 Reasons to Hate Probate Investing (But I Don’t)

  Getting the leads is hard. Yes it can be.  If you are looking for a really easy way to make millions in real estate let me just tell you that just doesn’t exist. I’ve said it many times; each area is different.   There are 3300+ counties in the US and each one...

5 Ways to Avoid Probate

  Most of the time when I write about probate investing it is to show you ways to make money working with these folks that have the responsibility of settling the estate. Probate investing is a very lucrative niche. These folks are often some of the most...

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