Getting Unstuck: Tips for Real Estate Investors – Episode #417 Today's show is on getting unstuck: tips for real estate investors that will help fix that problem. I talk to a lot of real estate investors, and I’ve seen a pattern lately. A lot of folks are...
I believe there are 3 things that will ultimately determine the success (or failure) of your business. My top 3 success tips for real estate investors have to do with mindset, motivation. and mentors no matter what your investing strategy is. My guest today is...
Ready for a Mindshift? Let's face it; change is hard. I have something a little different for you today. I came across one of the most powerful videos I have seen in a long time, and I just had to share it. Â This video is about success, but the key point...
I have read several great books this year, and today I wanted to tell you about what is sure to become one of my all-time favorites called “The One Thing”. One quality that makes entrepreneurs so successful is that they are visionaries.   This same trait...
Last time we talked about nailing down your top 3-5 goals for the year. I hope you took some time to do that. If you didn’t, it’s not too late to get those down on paper. But goal setting is about more than just writing them down; creating a plan for achieving...