Which is Best? Investing Locally or In Another State? Podcast #124

  Which is best? Investing locally or in another state? This question has been around forever.  So what's the answer? Well, it depends. It depends on your business goals, your level of experience, property values in your area, and to some degree the level of risk...

How to Do Probate Mailings that Get Results

Probate Mailings 101 I first wrote an article about probate mailings back in 2013.  Truthfully, almost all of the information is unchanged except for the fact that the return on your probate mailings is somewhat less.  What that means is that the percentage of calls...

5 Reasons to Hate Probate Investing (But I Don’t)

  Getting the leads is hard. Yes it can be.  If you are looking for a really easy way to make millions in real estate let me just tell you that just doesn’t exist. I’ve said it many times; each area is different.   There are 3300+ counties in the US and each one...

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