I have waited a long time to be able to say this, but now I can say without a doubt that the new face of real estate investing is female. I've been in this business since 1998, and I could have never predicted that it would take more than two decades for women...
I have another fantastic roundup post for you today called “Women and Real Estate Investing; Are they Uniquely Qualified for this Business”? That topic has been discussed for as long as I can remember. I believe that in many cases they do possess certain traits that...
You might remember that a while back I had a series called “Successful Women in Real Estate Investing”. How I love success stories. I especially loved shining the spotlight on those women that are true stand outs in the field of real estate investing. Hearing...
Pre-foreclosure Expert I'm happy to have another issue of “Successful Women In Real Estate Investing” for you today. The spotlight is on Tracy Royce who is an Arizona real estate investor and and both a short sale and pre-foreclosure...
In the spotlight for today's “Successful Women In Real Estate Investing” is that “Philly Wholesaler Chick” Iman Yusef-Yahya. She is a wholesaler in the Philadelphia area that specializes in inner city properties. Iman is a full time real...