
Let's talk real estate investing podcast


Overcoming Procrastination – The Silent Killer of Your Business – The Best of the Best Show


Overcoming procrastination is vital to the success of your business. So much so that when procrastination becomes habitual, it often becomes the silent killer of your business. You’re not even aware of the extent of the damage it’s doing.

Let’s face it, we've all been guilty of procrastination at one time or another. However, when it becomes a chronic problem that's when the real damage occurs.

I read a great book a couple of years ago called, “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy.  In this book, Brian talks about overcoming procrastination.  He talks about getting that thing you dread doing the most each day off your plate the first thing in the morning.

Just do it and get it over with. That is the whole principle behind “Eat That Frog”. Attacking you’re your most dreaded tasks and getting them over with at the beginning of the day.


Does Procrastination Make You Feel Better?


When I think back to all the times I have procrastinated; all the times I have put off doing something I didn't want to do, I can't think of one time I actually felt better after doing that. In fact, what happens is the exact opposite. The bigger the “thing” is the more painful the whole process is.

The “thing” that you spend so much time avoiding becomes a noose around your neck.  It can actually paralyze you so much that you have trouble becoming unstuck. Overcoming procrastination is so important to the health and growth of your business that if you don’t get a handle on it, it may actually cause your business to fail.


So How Can You Put a Stop to This Habit Once and for All?

  • You have to first admit you have a problem. (Now where have you heard that before?)
  • Create a plan or new habits for moving past this habit.   I’ll have some tips on doing this for you in the show.
  • Kick “Woulda, Shoulda, and Coulda” to the curb once and for all.
  • When will do the thing you are avoiding? Set a date.
  • Establishing a new morning routine that helps with overcoming procrastination.


Let Me Know

Do you have any tips for overcoming procrastination?


Resources Mentioned in this Show


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This blog which was originally published in 2017 has been updated.





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