How Branding, Your Reputation, and Success Go Hand in Hand

How Branding, Your Reputation, and Success Go Hand in Hand

  How Branding, Your Reputation, and Success Go Hand in Hand – The Best of the Best Show   Lately, I’ve been thinking about how branding, your reputation, and success go hand in hand. This is what I know for sure: Marketing is how you get leads and...
Branding: Getting Motivated Sellers to Choose YOU!

Branding: Getting Motivated Sellers to Choose YOU!

    Branding: Getting Motivated Sellers to Choose YOU!   Have you ever wondered what the secret is for getting motivated sellers to choose you over another investor?  You’re going to find out in this show. If you want to be a successful real estate...

Say Cheese! Reason #1 Your Brand Isn’t a Thing (Yet)

When it comes to building your brand, professional photographs are really important. Let's face it; a lot of people would rather have a root canal than actually have a professional photoshoot. I get that. But not having professional photos is one of the top reasons...

Building an Authority Brand with Shannon Gurule’ – Podcast #133

My guest  today is Shannon Gurule' from the Brassy Boss. Today's show is on building an authority brand for your business. So, why should you care? You should care because it will make you more money! If you want to be seen a the “obvious choice”, you need...

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