Let me ask you this; are you using any creative financing strategies in your business today? If your answer is no, what is holding you back? It’s probably because you don’t understand the different ways you can do this. Your ability to use creative...
My reader question today is, “Can I really get started in real estate investing if I don't have a lot of cash”? The answer is absolutely! You can do that by wholesaling houses. Wholesaling is one of my favorite strategies. You Really...
When you ask investors what their 2 biggest problems are, it doesn’t matter what part of the country they are in. The answer is always the same. Finding deals and funding deals. That’s what I’m going to talk about today. How do you fix that problem? ...
Well today is the day we're going to dive into lease options. This is episode #3 of “Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing” and today’s guest is my friend and colleague Bill Walston. Bill is a business and tax strategist as well as a full time real estate investor, a...
I have another great interview for you today in my “Escaping the 9 to 5; How I Did It” series. I recently had the pleasure of spending some time with Bill Walston from Johnson City, Tennessee. Bill is a full time real estate investor, a coach...