
Where to Get the Most for Your Money in Louisville Real Estate

I have a guest post for you today from Satinder Haer from Zillow. Zillow is a great resource for you to use in your business.  Today's article is all about where to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to Louisville real estate. This is important information...

5 Traits Needed For Success

    I have been a big fan of Maren Kate and her “Escaping the 9 to 5” blog ever since I first discovered it a couple of years ago.  She is a young entrepreneur that is an inspiration to everyone that is lucky enough to find her. She wrote a very insightful...

The Psychology of Putting REI Deals Together

I would like to think that there is a fool proof formula for putting deals together; one where sellers are agreeable, easy to work with and everything goes according to plan. But the truth is that it rarely happens that way. Today I want to talk about the psychology...

Why Not Pay Down your Mortgage?

  Terry Sprouse who is the author of two books, “Fix em Up Rent em Out” and “Carve out Your Niche”, has written a very provocative guest post for me today. The conventional wisdom has always been to get your rental houses paid off a quickly as you can. But Terry...

Are You Still Struggling To Close Your First Deal?

          What do you do when you just can’t seem to get any momentum going; when you are still struggling to close your first deal? You are working so hard in your real estate business, but you’re getting nowhere. I have been asked this question many times, and my...

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