The Top 5 Reasons Real Estate Investors Fail in this Business – Episode #400 A staggering 95% of all real estate investors that go into this business will ultimately fail. So, what do the 5% that succeed know or do that the others don’t? I think it boils down...
Getting Started in Real Estate Investing with Farrah Ali Getting started in real estate investing can be tough at times. If you're feeling a little stuck; if you’re not moving forward at the pace that you would like to; then this show is for you. Listen in...
I believe there are 3 things that will ultimately determine the success (or failure) of your business. My top 3 success tips for real estate investors have to do with mindset, motivation. and mentors no matter what your investing strategy is. My guest today is...
If someone told you that they were going to do 4 flips in 7 days without sacrificing quality and while staying on a budget what would your reaction be?  My guest today is a family man and Utah investor, Tyler Jensen. Tyler started flipping houses more than 10...
Today's show is about how to build a portfolio of rentals without cash, credit or a bank. Sound too good to be true? Â Well it's not. In today's show you will learn just how to do that using multiple investing strategies. My guest today is Jim Ingersoll. Jim is not...