From Navy Aircraft Carrier to Successful Rehabber with Beka Shea – “The Best of the Best Show” My guest today is a successful rehabber, Beka Shea. Beka is a wife and the mother of 3 daughters. She is an engineer by trade. Beka also spent 4...
How to Buy Hundreds of Houses Through Networking with Holly McKhann – Best of the Best Show How would you like to know how one person managed to buy hundreds of houses through networking? Today’s show is one I know you’re going to love. My guest is...
If someone told you that they were going to do 4 flips in 7 days without sacrificing quality and while staying on a budget what would your reaction be?  My guest today is a family man and Utah investor, Tyler Jensen. Tyler started flipping houses more than 10...
Today I want to talk about a little known strategy for buying probate properties, and that is using your self-direct IRA to buy probate properties. As you probably know, when a property that is part of an estate is in probate, that property must be sold. It...
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be starting over with not one but two real estate related businesses? That’s what we’re going to talk about today. Rebuilding two businesses with San Antonio rehabber, Danny Johnson. Danny is a veteran house...