
Buy Hundreds of Houses Through Networking


How to Buy Hundreds of Houses Through Networking with Holly McKhann – Best of the Best Show

How would you like to know how one person managed to buy hundreds of houses through networking?

Today’s show is one I know you’re going to love. My guest is California investor, Holly McKhann.  Holly is going to share how exactly how she built her business through networking. She is a successful rehabber. a Realtor and the mother of 4.

I think networking is one of the most overlooked avenues for finding good deals. You’re going to get some tips from Holly today on how to be a better networker so you spend less money on things like direct mail and other marketing strategies that cost a lot of money.


 Show Notes

  • How Holly managed to buy hundreds of houses through networking rather than spending a lot of money on traditional marketing channels
  • Finding private money lenders for your deals through networking
  • How hedge funds changed her business
  • Tips for making your networking efforts a win-win for everyone
  • Getting an agent on your team and why this is so beneficial
  • Lifestyle networking: what it is and how to use it
  • Buying a house worth $1000 per square foot just with networking
  • Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
  • Why you need to attend other non-real estate investing groups for networking
  • Telling people “What’s in it for them” to get them on your side
  • Using Facebook Lives to find deals and market yourselves
  • Tips for networking (even if you are introverted)
  • How helping someone else will also get YOU business
  • Easy follow up tips and ways to be memorable


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Secrets to Finding Deals by Holly McKhann


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About Holly

Holly McKhannHolly McKhann is an investor from Southern California. She is both an agent and an entrepreneur in the fix and flip market so she knows both sides of the transaction. Since 2006 she has been involved in over 400 transactions, primarily of single-family homes.   Holly has a BS degree in accounting, an MBA in finance, and is a former CPA.

Be sure to check out her podcast “Secrets to Real Estate Investing” on iTunes.


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This blog which was originally published in 2017 has been updated.


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