
Starting over


Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be starting over with not one but two real estate related businesses? That’s what we’re going to talk about today. Rebuilding two businesses with San Antonio rehabber, Danny Johnson.

Danny is a veteran house flipper, and he was a software developer before becoming a real estate investor. He is the creator of LeadPropeller real estate investor websites, and he has a brand new updated version of his CRM FlipPilot.

After focusing on the software for several years, he's becoming active in real estate investing again.

Show Notes

  • How Danny’s boss “helped him” leave his full-time job
  • Why he chose rehabbing as his investment strategy
  • How one business became two
  • Scaling up; creating a flipping business and a software business
  • Building teams and systems so you can grow
  • What effects Covid-19 will likely have on real estate in the next 12 to 18 months
  • How investors can prepare in the upcoming months so that they thrive rather than just survive during the next year or two
  • Starting over…
  • Marketing; what he’s doing now
  • The newest version of FlipPilot CRM and lead management software
  • The features FlipPilot offers; what makes it unique
  • Why investing in a good CRM actually make you money?
  • Danny’s final advice for investors that want to build a successful rehabbing business


Learn More About LeadPropeller and FlipPilot

To learn more about these two products specifically designed for real estate investors just click the links below:



Here's Your Video  – Starting Over with Veteran Rehabber Danny Johnson

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About Danny Johnson

Starting Over with Veteran Rehabber Danny JohnsonDanny Johnson is the host of the popular Flipping Junkie Podcast and blog.  A veteran house flipper, Danny has been real estate investing since 2003.  He's also the creator of LeadPropeller real estate investor websites and FlipPilot lead/deal management pipeline software.  After focusing on the software for several years he's becoming active again in real estate investing and looks forward to the creative aspect of weathering whatever storm is produced by the recent Pandemic caused by COVID-19.

You can reach out to Danny at Flipping Junkie

If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.

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