
Probates, Probate Investing, Investing in Probates, Real Esatate Investing Blog


Probate investing can be challenging especially when you are first getting started. It seems like you just can't get the ball rolling. Remember that post I did about “Big Mo”?

But if you hang in there long enough to figure it out, you will find what I did; an endless supply of leads. Probate investing is very lucrative and folks that have inherited an unwanted house are some of the most motivated sellers you will ever find.


A few of the things you will learn in this post are:

  • Why you need to make one simple phone call before you do anything else
  • The challenges some folks have with getting a list
  • The only 4 pieces of information you need to work in the niche of probate investing
  • How to determine if there is property in the estate
  • The one thing that the heirs all want

To continue reading this post click here….


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