

Setting Yourself up for Success in 2020


As we close out this year, it’s a great time to start setting yourself up for success in the new year.  I would encourage you to make the decision to have a great 2020. Wayne Dyer once said, “To decide it to cut off any other possibility”.

When you look back at 2019, how would you say your year went?  Did it turn out the way you had hoped it would?  For many people, the answer will be no. For others, the answer will likely be, “Pretty much. In fact, I accomplished most if not all of what I set out to do”.

What do you Think the Difference is Between These 2 Answers? 

I can tell you that it comes down to two things.

One is planning your year, and the other is implementing your plan.  If you’re anything like me, I have always been an overachiever when it came to setting goals.  Simply put, I had unrealistic expectations when it came to the number of big projects I could accomplish in 12 months.

There was also the problem of not having a realistic plan for accomplishing those goals.  I’m guessing this is pretty much the same for a lot of other people. When you have unrealistic goals, you set yourself up to feel like a failure when in fact, you may have accomplished a great deal in that 12-month period. So, don’t do that.


This Book Changed Everything for Me

Everything changed for me a few years ago when I decided it was time for me to change.  You might be wondering, what did I do?  I read Brian Moran’s book called “The 12 Week Year”.  This book is a game-changer if you adopt those principles in the book.  Here’s how that works.

You take that big list of goals you make sometime after the beginning of December until around January 1st. Really look at that list and whittle it down to about 3 or 4 projects.  Now, hear me clearly on this; we are looking for 3 or 4 things that will dramatically change your business or the results you get in business in the upcoming year.  We’re not talking about tasks.

Once you have identified those 3 or 4 big goals, the last point I want to make is that the principles in the book only work IF you implement them. And, that’s what I did.  In 2018 I started really using this book as a roadmap to grow my business.


My Goals for 2018

To give you an idea of what happened the year I implemented the 12-week year, I want to tell you a little bit about my plan.

In 2018 one of my big goals was to create a course that would teach real estate investors how to add the profitable niche of probates to their business. I don’t think anyone would argue that creating a course is a big project.  My course, Probate Investing Simplified, came out in the summer of 2018. The first reason for creating a course was to teach other real estate investors what I had learned. The second reason I wanted to create a course was to add revenue to my business.  I would encourage you to include revenue-generating goals in your plan.

Another big project I had on my list that year was to change software platforms for almost everything on the back end of my business. I’m talking about email providers, shopping carts and things like that.  I wanted to uplevel those platforms so that I could provide a better experience for everyone that landed on one of my sites. Rebranding my websites was the 3rd project on that list.

Those were the 3 big things I had on my list in 2018 in addition to the regular work I do in my business. All of those projects (my big goals) put together, took a year to accomplish. I have one suggestion for you. Don’t be afraid to put big goals on your list even if you don’t know exactly how to do them at this moment. Like Marie Forlio says in her new book, “Everything is Figureoutable”.


This Year ….2019

I used the exact same process and the principles in the book in 2019 as I did in the previous year. So, what changed?

This year I only had 3 big goals, because I knew one of those goals was going to take a big commitment in terms of time over the period of one year.  I have to tell you, I feel really good about the year even though I didn’t complete one of the things I had set out to do. That particular thing is already on my calendar for January.  I plan to knock that one out the first month of the year.


Success in 2020 – Goals are Important but….

Goals are important for sure, but you still have to live your life.  Work-life balance is very elusive at least for me. I will say this… It doesn’t matter how many goals you accomplish if it is at the expense of everything else that matters to you like your family.

I believe we all need to get better at time management, building a team, and outsourcing some of the work.  And just so you know, hiring team members, setting up systems and all of those sorts of things take a lot of time.  (Who knew giving work away was so hard?)

I feel blessed to have finally found the perfect team member that can help me grow business and save my sanity. Thank you Carol!


What Are Your Biggest Challenges for 2020?

It’s a new decade, and I feel like it’s a new beginning in so many ways.  I feel excited to move forward, and I hope you are too. Leave the past behind in this new year.  Don’t be focused on what’s in the rearview mirror. Keep your eyes focused on what’s in front of you and you’ll be fine.

I’m here for you if you need help.

I also have a freebie for you today that will help you get started putting your top 3 or 4 goals down onto paper. It is a “Goal Setting Planner.  I’ll put a link below.

You can get your copy BY CLICKING HERE 


Resources Mentioned in the Show 


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Thanks again for joining me this week. I’ll see you next time!

If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.


Have you gotten your freebies and subscribed to the blog? If not be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!


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