How to Set Goals that STICK Using the Principles of the 12 Week Year

How to Set Goals that STICK Using the Principles of the 12 Week Year

  How to Set Goals that STICK Using the Principles of the 12 Week Year Today I want to talk about how to set goals that stick, and how to set yourself up for success using the principles in the book, The 12 Week Year.  But first, let’s talk about goal setting in...
8 Steps to Creating a Marketing Plan

8 Steps to Creating a Marketing Plan

    Today we’re going to talk about the 8 steps to creating a marketing plan for your business. I’m going to go over those steps in the show, but I also have something else for you. I’m going to give you the same exact marketing plan template that I use with...

Goals are Great, but How Do You Avoid Burnout?

How do you avoid burnout? That’s the million dollar question.  We all know that we need to have goals, but how do you avoid burnout? https://louisvillegalsrealestateblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/12-Week-Year_vidlZ4X23.mp4   Most of the time it seems like...

Planning for Success in Your REI Business

  Today’s show is all about planning for success in your REI business. As you know, planning is what you do before you “do anything”.  It is also a crucial component of anyone’s success. A man (or woman) without a plan, is on a road going nowhere. It’s important...

The 12 Week Year – 1st Quarter Roundup for This Year

The 12 Week Year – How Are You Doing? It's that time again.  We are at the end of the first quarter which is also end of the first 12 week period if you are following the 12 week year. If you haven’t read that book, you should definitely do that. Here is a link...

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