Today I want to talk about why you should attend live events. The most incredible things happen when you attend live events. This is true both for the guests as well as the hosts. You hope for … maybe even expect breakthroughs for the attendees. But what you...
I have another fantastic roundup post for you today called “Women and Real Estate Investing; Are they Uniquely Qualified for this Business”? That topic has been discussed for as long as I can remember. I believe that in many cases they do possess certain traits that...
I have another “Real Estate Quick Tip” for you today. These bite sized tips are 5 minutes or less and are designed for busy entrepreneurs looking for ways to grow their business. Today’s Real Estate Quick Tip is about not taking short cuts, and how you need to...
Your local REIA can be a great resource for any investor. I happen to belong to an outstanding real estate investing association that has grown to several hundred members. I can honestly say that that this group has played a big part in my success. It was an...
Welcome to the first issue of “Successful Women in Real Estate Investing”. If you bring up real estate investing in a group of women who are not in the business, they will almost always view this business as being “a man’s business”. They...