
Is Your Real Estate Business Supported With Toothpicks and Band-Aids?

Many real estate investors jump into business without any real preparation. Starting a business is not as simple as buying a piece of property and hanging up a shingle.  There are steps that everyone needs to take so that they are protected legally and have met all of...

Quickly Analyzing an Investment Property

  There is definitely a learning curve involved when it comes to making offers on property.  It can be a scary process especially when you are brand new real estate investor. So are there any shortcuts? I don't think there are. Before you actually make an offer...

Holiday Safety Tips for Landlords and Tenants

  As we officially head into the holiday season with Thanksgiving this week, a lot of people will begin decorating their homes for Christmas. I thought it was a perfect time to talk about how property owners can keep their property and their tenants safe....

Christmas Safety Tips for Landlords and Their Tenants

  Landlords are always concerned about safety issues in their investment property. But there is no better time than during the holidays, to remind your tenants of some basic steps they can take to keep themselves and the property they live in safe. Holiday...

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