Gen Z and Technology: How they are Changing the Way We Do Business

Gen Z and Technology: How they are Changing the Way We Do Business

  Gen Z and Technology: How they are Changing the Way We Do Business – The Best of the Best Show The topic of today’s show is Gen Z and Technology, and the way this generation is changing the way we must do business going forward. This is the first...
Survival Tips for Real Estate Investors During a Crisis

Survival Tips for Real Estate Investors During a Crisis

  I wanted to address some of the questions and concerns I’ve been getting recently about the effect the Coronavirus is going to have on real estate investors and their businesses. I’ve talked with a number of investors recently and they are worried. Today, I...

5 Things You Should Check Before Buying Your Next Rental Property

  I have a guest post for you today from Anton Ivanov of DealCheck, and today's article is on 5 things you should check before buying your next rental property. Whether you are buying your first rental property or buying your next rental property, these tips will...

Property Management Solutions for Landlords

  Property Management Solutions for Landlords Everyday someone, somewhere, wakes up and decides to be a landlord. Well it might be just a little bit more complicated than that, but it’s pretty close to the reality of the situation.  I can tell you, most of those...

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