Today I want to focus on the 8 cities where real estate is expected to recover the quickest after Covid-19, and the 4 factors that will likely determine why they are the first to recover.
The shutdowns from Covid-19 began around the middle of March in most areas. So, it has been about 3 months since this crisis began as I write this. Real estate has been severely impacted by almost every major city across the country. Investors are wondering what their business will look like 3 months, 6 months, and even 1 year from today. These are very uncertain times.
My guest today is Chicago investor, Andrew Holmes. Andrew is the founder of Chicago REIA, and he is an active investor with more than 240 rentals in his portfolio. Not only has he been in this business for a long time, he is also a very data-driven person. Listen in as we discuss what he believes will be the determining factors in the recovery process during the next 12 to 24 months.
Show Notes
Here are some of the things we covered in this show.
- How retail real estate has been affected both in the short-term and the long-term
- How investors have been impacted as a whole
- The recovery will be different depending on your investing strategy.
- Breaking it down: how each one of these strategies is affected differently.
- Wholesalers
- Rehabbers
- Buy and hold landlords
- The long term effects the Cares Act as it applies to real estate investors
- 4 factors that will determine how fast cities recover from the effects of Covid-19
- Density of the population
- Reliance on tourism
- Educational level of the area
- Workforce type
- The top 8 cities that will recover the fastest
- Pending legislation across the US, and how it will affect buy and hold investors going forward
Is it Still a Good Time to Invest in Real Estate?
Absolutely! You just might have to pivot and do things differently than how you are used to doing them. I will have more shows coming your way on how to navigate this new landscape
Here's Your Video – 8 Cities Where Real Estate is Expected to Recover the Quickest after Covid-19
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About Andrew
Andrew Holmes is a successful real estate investor and entrepreneur in Chicago, IL. He has an impressive and ever-growing portfolio with over 240 rental properties and 870 plus deals done in the Chicagoland Area. Andrew found the United States' largest REIA organization in Chicago REIA bolstering over 6,000 members.
To find out more about Andrew please visit his website here at Andrew Holmes Real Estate.
You can also check out the Chicago REIA by clicking here.
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