Today I want to talk about a simple plan to jumpstart your REI marketing today! When you talk to most folks whether they are seasoned investors or they have just started investing, you will almost always find a frustrated entrepreneur hidden underneath all that...
Getting your phone to ring takes some work. It doesn’t just happen because you put up a killer website or tell everyone you know that you are looking for deals. What it does take is consistent, focused marketing. Without a steady stream of leads, you will be out of...
I am often asked questions like “what are the top 5 things I should do to set my business up for quick success” or “tell me the 10 steps for making fast money with real estate”. Everyone thinks that there is an exact formula or a 10 step program that you can follow...
I have a book review for you today that is bound to get you thinking. Most people think of their personal home and their rental property as two entirely different animals; rarely do they ever come up in the same sentence. Our personal home is just that;...
One of the most dreaded jobs in the business of rehabbing houses is wallpaper removal. It's tedious work and it almost always leaves the walls damaged so they need costly repairs. Wallpaper was big in the 70's and 80's and is making a comeback. The good news is...