How to Invest in Real Estate Using None of Your Own Money – Episode #441 Today you’re going to learn how to invest in real estate using none of your own money and no JV partners. My guests are Mel and Dave Dupis, creative funding experts who have a mix of all...
Preventing Burnout for Real Estate Investors – Episode #423 Burnout is a real thing for entrepreneurs, and real estate investors are no different. Today you’ll get some practical tips for preventing burnout for real estate investors (or recovering from it if...
6 Things You Need to Do Now to Set Yourself Up for Success Next Year – Episode #394 We have just over two months left this year and as I was working on next week’s podcast, it came to me that there is really something that comes before the topic of the next...
How to Get Started in Probate Investing – Episode #389 One of the most common questions I get from investors is how to get started in probate investing. I love probate investing because they are an endless source of leads, and they are such lucrative...
How to Reinvent Yourself After a Business Failure with Rod Khleif – Episode #371 So many small businesses fail every year. When that happens the big question inevitably is, how do you reinvent yourself after a business failure? My guest today is real estate...