Raising Private Capital without Rejection with Dave Dubeau

Raising Private Capital without Rejection with Dave Dubeau

  The two biggest problems real estate investors have no matter where they are located are finding deals and funding their deals.  Today, we are going to talk about funding your deals. In this show, you’re going to learn the secret to raising capital without...

How to Create the Perfect Elevator Speech

  Today I want to talk about how to create the perfect elevator speech. Now some of you might be saying, “What the heck is an elevator speech” (although I hope that’s not the case).  The phrase elevator speech has been around forever.  You might have also heard...

7 Ways to Fund Your Deals

  The two biggest problems any real estate investor has are finding deals and funding your deals.  Today I have 7 ways to fund your deals that will give you options to close more deals. As your business grows and matures you will need larger and larger amounts of...

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