
raising private capital


The two biggest problems real estate investors have no matter where they are located are finding deals and funding their deals.  Today, we are going to talk about funding your deals. In this show, you’re going to learn the secret to raising capital without rejection.

One of the biggest roadblocks to raising private money is our own mindset around this process. The other is problem is that people just don’t understand that this opportunity to grow their money exists. They have come to accept low-interest rates in the bank and the uncertainty of the stock market.

Once you change your thinking from asking people for money to providing potential private money partners with an outstanding opportunity to partner with you and grow their money, everything changes.   You can then move on to learning the process of raising private capital without rejection.

My guest is a Canadian investor, Dave Dubeau. Dave has a wealth of experience having invested in single-family homes, rent to own deals, and multifamily properties.   He is a best-selling author, speaker, and “Investor Attraction Expert”.  Dave specializes in helping mom-n-pop real estate investors find money partners and raise capital using his proprietary 5 Step Money Partner Formula™, and that’s what I’m excited to talk about today.


Show Notes

Here is some of what we covered in raising private capital without rejection. I can promise that you will have some actionable steps to follow after listening to the show. 

  • How Dave did 18 deals in 18 months
  • Pivoting his business model over time
  • Rent to own as a business model
  • Why he focuses on multi-family properties today  
  • Raising capital for your business
  • Niching down by serving with mom and pop companies
  • How to create your first group of potential private money partners
  • Tips for transitioning the conversation to how people can work with you
  • Dave’s 5 Step Money Partner Formula system
  • Why you need a formal presentation when looking for private money partners 
  • How long it takes most people to decide to loan you money (this might surprise you) 


When it comes to rent-to-own deals…

“Your tenant is basically a homebuyer in training.” – Dave Dubeau


Here's Your Video  – Raising Private Capital without Rejection with Dave Dubeau

Rather watch? You can do that here.


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About Dave

raising private capitalDave Dubeau is a Real Estate Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Investor Attraction Expert based in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.  He began his real estate investing career in 2003 doing 18 deals in 18 months.  He later switched his focus to client-first rent to own deals, and nowadays he invests in multi-family (apartment building) properties.  For the last several years Dave has been a leading authority on helping mom n pop real estate investors to find money partners and raise capital. Using his proprietary 5 Step Money Partner Formula™, Dave helps his real estate entrepreneur clients to grow their portfolios significantly and in record time by attracting investors (instead of chasing after them).  

Be sure to stop by his website Dave Dubeau and check out his Property Profits Real Estate Podcast. You can also get a complimentary copy of his newest book, Money Partner Formula on the site by Clicking Here –  Investor Attraction Book.

If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.

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