10 Tips for Working with Executors of an Estate

10 Tips for Working with Executors of an Estate

  People think it’s tricky having conversations with executors of estates, but that really isn’t true.  Today I want to put your mind at ease when it comes to having these conversations and give you 10 tips for working with executors of an estate.  After all,...

Creating a Co-working Space with Trevor Mauch – Podcast #62

I'm happy to have my friend Trevor Mauch the founder of Investor Carrot back for another podcast in our ongoing series on entrepreneurship”.   Today's show is all about how to create a co-working space that is more than just an office; more than just a place to...

Vincent Polisi – Virtual Real Estate Investing- Podcast Episode #23

I am really happy to have this particular interview for you today on virtual real estate investing.  I believe this is one of the best interviews I have done –ever. This podcast will open your eyes to a whole new way of investing in real estate.  One that...

Seth Williams Podcast – Flipping Land – Episode #5

  I have a great podcast for you today. Recently I had an opportunity to spend some time with my friend Seth Williams talking about his niche of flipping land. Seth is from Grand Rapids, MI, and he invests in real estate part-time. This particular niche has...

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