Transition from Small Business Owner to CEO

Are you ready to get out of your own way so that you can transition from small business owner to the CEO of your real estate investing company? It’s a process, I can tell you that.

My guest today is Andy McFarland.  This is the 3rd time Andy has been on my show, and I couldn’t be more excited for him to share how he has grown his business over the last 5or 6 years I have known him.  He is the owner of Enlight Home Buyers, a residential real estate investment company that buys and sells more than 200 houses per year across Utah, New Mexico, and Indiana. Andy has been buying properties since 2003 and has been involved in over 1,700 real estate transactions, and he lives in Utah with his wife and 4 children.

The first time Andy was on my show, he was doing about 100 deals a year. In the 2nd show, we focused on how to grow a team.  In this show, the topic is how to transition from a small business owner to the CEO of your REI business. I will put the link to the previous shows below.


Show Notes

No matter what stage of business you’re in, you will find actionable tips in this show to help you grow your business and transition from small business owner to the CEO of your company.

  • How Andy grew his wholesaling business over time
  • Branching out: adding flips, rentals, and syndication deals
  • How Andy ended up with a big business (that wasn’t necessarily his plan)
  • Learning to let go in order to grow
  • Finding out your team is actually better at some things than you are
  • Becoming the visionary of your business: transitioning from small business owner to the CEO
  • Andy’s top two marketing strategies that bring him most of his deals
  • How he does business in 3 states, and the one team member he must have to make it work
  • Mindset: why this is all that’s holding you back from everything you want


Andy’s Previous Shows

Be sure to check out these are two great shows if you missed them the first time around.


Books Mentioned in this Show

Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman


Here's Your Video  – How to Transition from Small Business Owner to the CEO of Your REI Company with Andy McFarland

Rather watch? You can do that here.


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About Andy

How to Transition from Small Business Owner to the CEO of Your REI Company with Andy McFarlandAndy is the owner of Enlight Home Buyers, a residential real estate investment company that buys and sells more than 200 houses per year across Utah, New Mexico, and Indiana. He has been buying properties since 2003 and has been involved in over 1,700 real estate transactions.

Andy currently lives in Farmington Utah with his wife and their four amazing children.

Be sure to check out Andy’s YouTube channel, I Love Real Estate Stories”.  You’ll find some great info on his channel.

You can reach out to Andy at Enlight Home Buyers or you can email him at

If you want to find out how you can work with me, you can do that by clicking here. Learn specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business.

To learn how to to become the go-to probate expert in your area Just click his link.

Have you gotten your freebies and subscribed to the blog? If not be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!


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